Enfamil NeuroPro vs Similac Pro-Advance

Enfamil NeuroPro Infant vs Similac Pro Advance 1 1

Quick Comparison

Feature/AspectEnfamil NeuroPro InfantSimilac Pro-Advance
Primary DifferenceContains milk fat globule membrane (MFGM)Contains 2′-FL HMO (2′-fucosyllactose)
Key IngredientsMFGM, DHA, Choline, Vitamins (C, B12, E, K), Minerals (iodine, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, selenium)2′-FL HMO, OptiGRO™ blend (DHA, Lutein, Vitamin E), non-GMO ingredients
Nutritional ValueHigher amounts of vitamins C, B12, E, K, and minerals like iodine, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, seleniumContains 2′-FL HMO for immune system support, non-GMO ingredients
Sugar ContentUses lactose as the primary sweetenerUses organic sugar with sunflower oil
Texture and TasteSlightly sweet taste due to lactose, aims to mimic breast milk’s textureMore pronounced sweetness, silkier texture due to sunflower oil
Cost (for reference)Powder: $27-$33 per 20.7-ounce tub, Liquid concentrate: $37-$43 per 32 fluid ounces, Ready-to-feed liquid: $46-$52 per 32 fluid ouncesPowder: $24-$30 per 23.2-ounce tub, Liquid concentrate: $34-$40 per 32 fluid ounces, Ready-to-feed liquid: $42-$48 per 32 fluid ounces
Safety StandardsContains DHA within the World Health Organization’s recommended rangeNon-GMO formula
Unique FeaturesEmphasis on brain and eye health, contains MFGM for cognitive developmentContains 2′-FL HMO for immune system support, non-GMO ingredients

Choosing the right infant formula for your baby is a crucial decision that many parents face. With so many options on the market, it can be challenging to navigate through the myriad of choices and find the best fit for your little one.

Two top contenders in the baby formula arena are Enfamil NeuroPro Infant and Similac Pro-Advance. These formulas have been specifically designed to provide the essential nutrients that infants need for their growth and development.

In this article, we will take a closer look at these two popular formulas to help you make an informed decision for your baby’s nutritional needs.

Understanding the key ingredients and benefits of each formula is vital in determining which option will best suit your child’s unique nutritional requirements.

While both Enfamil NeuroPro Infant and Similac Pro-Advance contain a blend of essential nutrients, their formulations differ in certain aspects such as protein source, sugar content, and vitamin levels.

Comparing these qualities, alongside factors like taste, texture, safety standards, and cost effectiveness, can give you a well-rounded perspective on how each formula serves your baby.

Key Takeaways

  • Comparing Enfamil NeuroPro Infant and Similac Pro-Advance provides insight into the nutritional benefits of each formula.
  • Understanding the key ingredients, taste, and safety standards of each option is essential in making an informed decision.
  • Balancing nutritional benefits, cost effectiveness, and your baby’s preferences will ultimately lead you to the ideal choice for your child’s dietary needs.

Understanding Infant Nutrition

As a new parent, providing your baby with proper nutrition is crucial for their growth and development. Understanding the differences between Enfamil NeuroPro Infant and Similac Pro-Advance can help you make an informed decision about the best formula for your little one.

Enfamil NeuroPro Infant contains milk fat globule membrane, which more closely mimics the composition of breast milk. On the other hand, Similac Pro-Advance is known for its well-tolerated, non-GMO blend of ingredients. Both these formulas are enriched with key nutrients like DHA and ARA, but they use different sources for these nutrients.

When comparing these two products, you’ll notice that:

  • Enfamil tends to have more natural ingredients than Similac
  • Enfamil uses less sugar than Similac
  • Enfamil has higher amounts of iodine, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, and selenium
  • Enfamil usually contains more vitamins C, B12, E, and K.

It’s essential to consult your pediatrician before making a decision on which formula to use, as they can provide personalized recommendations based on your baby’s unique needs. And remember, you can always switch formulas if one doesn’t seem to be working well for your baby.

Good infant nutrition is not only about the formula you choose. Make sure you’re also practicing proper feeding habits, such as:

  • Washing your hands before preparing bottles
  • Storing formula in a cool, dry place
  • Discarding leftover formula after a feeding session
  • Following the mixing instructions on the formula packaging.

By understanding the basics of infant nutrition, you are well on your way to providing your baby with the nurturing environment they need to thrive. Happy feeding!

Overview of Enfamil NeuroPro Infant

Enfamil NeuroPro Infant is a baby formula designed to provide essential nutrients for your little one’s growth and development. With a unique blend of ingredients, this formula aims to support your baby’s cognitive development and overall health.

One of the key features of Enfamil NeuroPro Infant is the addition of MFGM (Milk Fat Globule Membrane). This innovative technology helps support brain development in babies and sets Enfamil NeuroPro Infant apart from other formulas on the market. So, while you nourish your baby’s body, you can also be confident that you’re fostering their cognitive development.

In addition to MFGM, Enfamil NeuroPro Infant also contains important nutrients like DHA and ARA (also found in breast milk) to support brain and eye development. Enfamil ensures that your baby receives the expert-recommended levels of DHA, which contribute to an optimal foundation for their growth and development.

Moreover, this formula features a dual-prebiotic blend that supports your baby’s digestive health and immune system. The combination of prebiotics helps create a healthy gut environment, nurturing the good bacteria and promoting overall well-being for your infant.

Enfamil NeuroPro Infant is a great option for parents who want to give their baby a formula that closely mirrors the benefits of breast milk. With its focus on brain development and overall health, it caters to the needs of your growing child, providing the vital nutrients they require during this crucial stage of their life.


Overview of Similac Pro-Advance

Similac Pro-Advance is an infant formula designed to provide your baby with the essential nutrients needed for growth and development. This premium formula is designed to mimic the composition of breast milk and includes added vitamins, minerals, and other ingredients to support your baby’s immune system, brain, and eye development.

One of the distinguishing features of Similac Pro-Advance is the inclusion of 2′-FL HMO (2′-fucosyllactose), a prebiotic found in breast milk that promotes the growth of beneficial gut bacteria. This unique ingredient helps to support your baby’s developing immune system and overall health.

When compared to other formulas, Similac Pro-Advance stands out in terms of its composition, specifically geared towards providing your baby with a well-rounded nutrient profile. It offers a blend of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates that aim to mimic the balance found in breast milk. Furthermore, Similac Pro-Advance is fortified with iron, a crucial nutrient for your baby’s development.

In addition to its nutrient formulation, Similac Pro-Advance prioritizes the use of non-GMO ingredients. This means you can feel confident that you’re providing your baby with a high-quality option that aligns with your preference for non-genetically modified ingredients.

With its focus on replicating the beneficial components of breast milk, Similac Pro-Advance is a great choice for making sure your baby gets the vital nutrients they need to grow and thrive during their first year of life. Remember that it’s always best to consult your healthcare provider to determine the most appropriate formula for your baby’s unique needs and circumstances.


Key Ingredients in Enfamil NeuroPro Infant

Enfamil NeuroPro Infant is carefully crafted with several key ingredients to support your baby’s growth and development. Here are a few important components that make this formula unique:

MFGM (Milk Fat Globule Membrane): Enfamil NeuroPro contains MFGM, a naturally occurring component found in breast milk which has been clinically proven to support cognitive development. With MFGM, your baby may experience cognitive benefits similar to breastfed babies at 12 months of age.

DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid): Another vital ingredient in the formula is DHA, an omega-3 fatty acid that is essential for your baby’s cognitive and visual development. Research shows that DHA promotes positive cognitive outcomes through 5 years of age.

Choline: Choline is present in Enfamil NeuroPro Infant to support your baby’s brain development and help build strong cell membranes.

Vitamins and Minerals: This formula is also packed with essential vitamins and minerals such as iodine, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, and selenium, as well as vitamins C, B12, E, and K, to aid your baby’s overall growth and well-being.

Enfamil NeuroPro Infant aims to provide a balanced and optimal blend of these key ingredients to support your baby’s ongoing development, keeping them healthy and happy during their first year.

Key Ingredients in Similac Pro-Advance

When it comes to selecting the right infant formula for your baby, you should consider the key ingredients that make up Similac Pro-Advance. This formula has been specifically designed to closely mimic breast milk and provide essential nutrients and vitamins to aid in your baby’s development.

One of the most notable ingredients in Similac Pro-Advance is 2′-FL HMO (2′-Fucosyllactose Human Milk Oligosaccharide). This prebiotic is vital in supporting your baby’s immune system and is found as the third most abundant component in breast milk. By including 2′-FL HMO in the formula, Similac Pro-Advance aims to promote a healthy digestive system and overall well-being.

In addition to 2′-FL HMO, Similac Pro-Advance contains a unique blend of ingredients known as OptiGRO™. This mixture consists of:

  • DHA, an omega-3 fatty acid crucial for your baby’s brain and eye development
  • Lutein, a carotenoid found in breast milk, which also supports eye health
  • Vitamin E, an essential antioxidant that helps support developing cells

Another key aspect of Similac Pro-Advance is its non-GMO status, meaning that it does not contain genetically modified ingredients. This can provide peace of mind, knowing that your baby’s formula is free from any potential GMO-related concerns.

Similac Pro-Advance also has a gentle protein profile with partially hydrolyzed whey protein, making it easier for your baby to digest. This can be particularly beneficial for babies with sensitive tummies or those experiencing digestive issues.

It’s essential to note that the composition of infant formulas can vary, and not every baby will respond in the same way to a particular formula. It’s always a good idea to consult with your baby’s pediatrician before making any changes to their diet.

Nutritional Comparison

When comparing Enfamil NeuroPro Infant and Similac Pro-Advance, it is essential to consider the nutritional aspects of both formulas. These two brands are among the top choices for parents, so understanding the differences in their nutritional profiles can help you make an informed decision.

Enfamil NeuroPro Infant formula contains milk fat globule membrane (MFGM), which more closely mimics the composition of breast milk. This is an added advantage for your baby’s overall development and brain health. On the other hand, Similac Pro-Advance formula contains 2′-FL HMO (human milk oligosaccharide), a prebiotic naturally found in breast milk that supports your baby’s immune system.

In terms of protein content, both formulas provide similar levels of protein, which is essential for your baby’s growth and development. However, Enfamil NeuroPro Infant has a slightly higher amount of DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), an omega-3 fatty acid that plays a crucial role in brain development, as well as eye and heart health.

The overall vitamin and mineral content varies between the two formulas, but both contain essential nutrients. Enfamil NeuroPro Infant contains higher amounts of vitamins C, B12, E, and K, as well as iodine, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, and selenium. These vitamins and minerals are essential for your baby’s overall health and development.

For carbohydrates and sugars, Enfamil NeuroPro Infant uses less sugar compared to Similac Pro-Advance. Lower sugar content is a positive factor, as excess sugar consumption can lead to health issues later in life, such as obesity and diabetes.

Both Enfamil NeuroPro Infant and Similac Pro-Advance are reputable brands that provide well-formulated and nutritious options for your baby. By examining the nutritional comparisons provided above, you can determine which formula better suits your baby’s specific needs and preferences. Remember that it’s essential to consult with your pediatrician before making any changes to your baby’s diet.

Enfamil NeuroPro Infant vs Similac Pro Advance

Evaluating Taste and Texture

When comparing Enfamil NeuroPro Infant and Similac Pro-Advance, it’s essential to consider the taste and texture differences, as these factors may impact your baby’s acceptance of the formulas.

Enfamil NeuroPro Infant tends to have a slightly sweet taste, as it contains no added table sugar but relies on lactose as the primary sweetener. On the other hand, Similac Pro-Advance utilizes organic sugar with sunflower oil to provide a better taste and more carbs for your little one. Some babies might prefer the natural sweetness found in Enfamil, while others might enjoy the more pronounced sweetness of Similac.

As for texture, both formulas are designed to be smooth and easy to mix, aiming to replicate the consistency of breast milk. However, slight differences in texture may be apparent due to the unique blend of ingredients in each formula. For example, Enfamil NeuroPro contains milk fat globule membrane, which helps mimic the texture of breast milk more closely. Similac Pro-Advance may have a slightly silkier texture due to its added sunflower oil.

To determine which formula may suit your baby better in terms of taste and texture, consider trying small samples of each product. Pay close attention to your baby’s reactions and feeding habits when trying these different formulas. Remember, every baby is different, and taste preferences often come down to personal preferences.

Feel free to discuss your observations with your pediatrician since they can provide guidance on making the best decision for your baby based on their nutritional needs.

Analyzing Cost Effectiveness

When comparing Enfamil NeuroPro Infant and Similac Pro-Advance, cost effectiveness is a significant factor to consider. You want to ensure you’re getting the best value for your money while providing quality nutrition for your baby.

Enfamil NeuroPro Infant is known for containing milk fat globule membrane (MFGM), which closely mimics breast milk. This formula also has slightly higher amounts of some nutrients compared to Similac Pro-Advance, such as iodine, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, and selenium, as well as vitamins C, B12, E, and K.

Similac Pro-Advance, on the other hand, is generally less expensive than Enfamil when comparing similar products. This is something you might appreciate, especially if you’re on a tight budget.

To help you weigh the cost effectiveness of each brand, take a look at the typical price ranges for each:

  • Enfamil NeuroPro Infant:
    • Powder: $27-$33 per 20.7-ounce tub
    • Liquid concentrate: $37-$43 per 32 fluid ounces
    • Ready-to-feed liquid: $46-$52 per 32 fluid ounces
  • Similac Pro-Advance:
    • Powder: $24-$30 per 23.2-ounce tub
    • Liquid concentrate: $34-$40 per 32 fluid ounces
    • Ready-to-feed liquid: $42-$48 per 32 fluid ounces

Of course, these prices can vary depending on where you purchase the products and whether you make use of discounts or rewards programs.

Keep in mind that cost is just one aspect you’ll need to consider when choosing the best baby formula for your little one. In addition to price, it’s essential to factor in nutritional content, ingredient quality, and your baby’s individual needs. Take the time to compare Enfamil NeuroPro Infant and Similac Pro-Advance to determine which formula will be the most cost effective for your family while still meeting your baby’s nutritional requirements.

Safety Standards and Regulations

Both Enfamil NeuroPro Infant and Similac Pro-Advance are formulated to meet the nutritional needs of your baby. You can trust these products for your little one’s safety as they comply with strict safety standards and regulations. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates all infant and baby formulas, ensuring that they provide the required nutrients and maintain high-quality standards.

Enfamil NeuroPro Infant formula puts emphasis on brain and eye health, containing fatty acids like DHA within the World Health Organization’s recommended range of .3% to .5%. This helps support your baby’s brain development and nourishment. On the other hand, Similac Pro-Advance has nutrients like 2′-FL HMO to support the immune system and is also a non-GMO formula. Both options cater to different specialties, but you can trust that they are safe and beneficial for your baby.

In addition, the manufacturers take product safety seriously. They have strict quality control programs to ensure the final product meets safety and nutritional standards. Because of this diligence, you can have confidence that you are providing your baby with a high-quality and safe product.

Remember that it’s essential to follow proper preparation guidelines when using any infant formula. Mixing the formula correctly and never diluting it ensures that your baby receives the right amount of nutrients. Additionally, avoid using cow’s milk or other substitutions, as these can pose risks to your baby’s health and well-being.

In conclusion, both Enfamil NeuroPro Infant and Similac Pro-Advance maintain safety standards and regulations to ensure your baby receives the necessary nutrients for a healthy start. By choosing either of these formulas, you can have peace of mind that you’re providing a reliable and safe option for your little one.

Pros and Cons of Enfamil NeuroPro Infant

Enfamil NeuroPro Infant is a popular baby formula designed to support brain development in your little one. As with any product, it has its advantages and disadvantages. Let’s explore the main pros and cons to help you decide if this formula is the best choice for your baby.


  1. MFGM technology: One of the standout features of Enfamil NeuroPro Infant is its use of milk fat globule membrane (MFGM) technology. This innovative addition has been shown to help support cognitive development in infants, making it a great option for parents who want to give their baby an extra boost in brain growth.
  2. Nutritionally balanced: Enfamil NeuroPro Infant provides all the necessary nutrients your baby needs for a balanced diet, including essential vitamins, minerals, and the right mix of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.
  3. Lactose-based sugars: Unlike some other formulas that use corn syrup solids, Enfamil NeuroPro Infant primarily uses lactose, a natural sugar found in breast milk, making it easier for your baby’s digestive system to break down.


  1. Cost: Enfamil NeuroPro Infant tends to be more expensive compared to some other baby formulas on the market. If you’re on a tight budget, the cost might be a significant consideration for your family.
  2. Taste and texture may vary: Babies can be quite particular when it comes to their food preferences. While many infants enjoy the taste and texture of Enfamil NeuroPro Infant, it might not be a hit with your baby. It’s essential to be prepared to try a few different options if needed.
  3. Not suitable for all: Enfamil NeuroPro Infant is a milk-based formula. This means if your baby has a milk allergy or lactose intolerance, this formula won’t be suitable for them. In this case, you would need to explore other options, such as soy or hypoallergenic formulas.

Pros and Cons of Similac Pro-Advance


  • OptiGRO blend: Similac Pro-Advance contains OptiGRO, a unique blend of DHA, vitamin E, and lutein. This special mix is designed to support your baby’s brain and eye development, helping them grow and thrive.
  • No added sugars or corn syrup: You can feel good about feeding your baby this formula, as it doesn’t contain any added sugars or corn syrup. This ensures your baby is getting the nutrients they need without unnecessary sweeteners.
  • Iron-fortified: Similac Pro-Advance is fortified with iron, providing your child with 1.8 mg of this essential mineral per serving. Iron is crucial for healthy growth and development.


  • Possible allergies or sensitivities: Some babies might be sensitive to certain ingredients in Similac Pro-Advance. If your baby experiences any adverse reactions, like fussiness or gas, it might be a good idea to consult with your pediatrician to discuss alternative formula options.
  • Cost: Similac Pro-Advance can be on the pricier side compared to some other infant formulas on the market. If cost is a significant factor in your decision, you may want to explore other options.

Remember to always consult with your pediatrician before making any changes to your baby’s feeding routine. They can help guide you in determining the best formula choice for your little one, taking into account your baby’s specific needs and any potential allergies or sensitivities.

Conclusion: Making The Ideal Choice For Your Baby

When deciding between Enfamil NeuroPro Infant and Similac Pro-Advance for your baby, it’s essential to consider the specific needs of your little one. Both formulas offer high-quality nutrition, but they have differences you may want to take into account.

Enfamil NeuroPro Infant Formula is specially created with MFGM technology to support brain development in babies. In addition, it claims to have a unique taste and texture. If improving cognitive growth is essential for you, then this formula might be the better choice.

With Similac Pro-Advance, you can expect less spit-up episodes, as it claims to reduce them by 54%. If your baby struggles with excessive spit-up, this formula may help alleviate that issue.

Always remember that every baby is unique, and their nutritional needs might vary. It’s crucial to consult with your pediatrician before settling on a baby formula. They can provide guidance on which formula aligns best with your child’s needs and growth.

In the end, the decision between Enfamil NeuroPro Infant and Similac Pro-Advance is a personal preference based on your baby’s specific requirements. By understanding their needs and discussing them with your healthcare provider, you can confidently make the ideal choice for your baby and ensure they receive the proper nutrition they need to thrive.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which one is better for baby’s growth?

Choosing between Enfamil NeuroPro Infant and Similac Pro-Advance depends on your baby’s specific needs. Both formulas are designed to support healthy growth and contain key nutrients such as DHA, ARA, and prebiotics. It’s best to consult with your pediatrician before making a decision.

How do their prices compare?

Enfamil tends to be slightly more expensive than Similac when comparing similar products. However, prices can vary depending on where you purchase the product, the specific formula, and the quantity.

Can I switch between the two?

It is possible to switch between Enfamil NeuroPro Infant and Similac Pro-Advance, but it’s essential to introduce the new formula gradually. Mix the new formula with the old one in increasing proportions over several days. Be sure to monitor your baby’s reactions and consult your pediatrician if any issues arise.

What are the main differences?

Some differences between Enfamil NeuroPro and Similac Pro-Advance include:

  • Enfamil has more natural ingredients compared to Similac.
  • Enfamil contains less sugar than Similac.
  • Enfamil has higher amounts of iodine, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, and selenium.
  • Enfamil has more vitamins C, B12, E, and K.

Are there any specific benefits to each formula?

Enfamil NeuroPro contains milk fat globule membrane, which more closely mimics breast milk, potentially providing benefits for cognitive development. Similac Pro-Advance uses a different source of DHA, but the overall benefits of DHA are similar between the two formulas.

Which one is gentler on baby’s stomach?

Both Enfamil NeuroPro and Similac Pro-Advance are designed to be gentle on a baby’s stomach. However, each baby may react differently to specific formulas. If your baby experiences discomfort, consider trying a different option or consulting your pediatrician for advice.