Enfamil Enspire vs Similac 360 Total Care

Enfamil Enspire vs Similac 360 Total Care 1

Quick Comparison

Feature/AspectEnfamil EnspireSimilac 360 Total Care
Brand OverviewPopular infant formula designed to provide essential nutrients for baby’s growth and development.Formulated with high-quality ingredients to provide essential nutrients for overall development.
Key IngredientsMFGM (Milk Fat Globule Membrane), Lactoferrin, DHA & ARA, Dual PrebioticsOptiGRO Blend (DHA, lutein, and vitamin E), 2′-FL HMO, Nucleotides
Nutritional ValuesProtein from a blend of whey and casein, Carbohydrates from lactose, Fats from vegetable oilsOptimal protein level, Essential vitamins and minerals like calcium, potassium, iron, and zinc, Fats and carbohydrates for energy
CostSlightly more expensive due to its unique blend of ingredients that closely mimic breast milk.Price may vary based on store, package size, and promotions.
Unique FeaturesDesigned to be more like breast milk with nutrients found in human milk. Non-GMO.Contains 5 HMOs, a prebiotic blend previously only found in breast milk.
Palm Oil ContentContains palm oil.Does not contain palm oil.

Choosing the right baby formula can be a daunting task, especially when there are so many options available, each with its unique blend of ingredients and benefits. Two popular choices among parents are Enfamil Enspire and Similac 360 Total Care.

In this article, we’ll delve into the differences and similarities between these two formulas to help you make an informed decision for your little one.

Based on clinical evidence, Enfamil Enspire boasts a proprietary dual prebiotics blend tailored to boost digestive health and the immune system. On the other hand, Similac 360 Total Care contains 5 HMOs (a prebiotic blend previously found only in breast milk) and offers the highest level of HMOs.

As you continue reading, we’ll go deeper into the specific components of each formula, their potential benefits, and considerations for choosing between them.

As a caring parent, it’s natural to feel overwhelmed by the information available when selecting the best formula for your baby.

By the end of this article, you will have gained valuable insights into the distinct characteristics of Enfamil Enspire and Similac 360 Total Care, empowering you to make the right choice catered to your child’s unique needs.

Understanding Enfamil Enspire

Enfamil Enspire is a popular infant formula designed to provide essential nutrients for your baby’s growth and development. This section will help you understand the key aspects of Enfamil Enspire, including its ingredients, nutritional values, and cost.


Enfamil Enspire’s unique blend of ingredients is designed to provide your baby with the necessary nutrients to support healthy growth:

  • MFGM: A recent addition to the formula, MFGM (Milk Fat Globule Membrane) is a component found in breast milk that supports your baby’s cognitive development.
  • Lactoferrin: A protein present in both cow’s milk and human milk, lactoferrin helps support your baby’s immune system.
  • DHA & ARA: These important fatty acids help support your baby’s brain and eye development.
  • Dual Prebiotics: Enfamil Enspire uses a proprietary combination of prebiotics to support your baby’s digestive health and immune system.

Nutritional Values

The nutritional values of Enfamil Enspire are designed to closely mimic those of breast milk, ensuring your baby gets the essential nutrients they need:

  • Protein: Enfamil Enspire contains a blend of whey and casein proteins which can help support your baby’s muscle growth and development.
  • Carbohydrates: The carbohydrates in Enfamil Enspire come from lactose, the primary source of energy in breast milk.
  • Fats: The fats in Enfamil Enspire are sourced from vegetable oils to provide a proper balance of essential fatty acids for your baby’s development.


When it comes to cost, Enfamil Enspire is slightly more expensive than some other infant formulas due to its unique blend of ingredients and high-quality components that closely mimic breast milk. However, many parents find the investment worthwhile, considering the advanced nutritional support it offers for their baby’s growth and development.

Remember to always consult with your pediatrician before making any decisions about your baby’s nutrition, as they can help guide you in choosing the best formula for your baby’s needs.


Exploring Similac 360 Total Care


Similac 360 Total Care is formulated with high-quality ingredients to provide your baby with essential nutrients for overall development. Some key ingredients include:

  • OptiGRO Blend: A unique combination of nutrients, including DHA, lutein, and vitamin E, to support your baby’s brain and eye development.
  • 2′-FL HMO: A prebiotic that helps strengthen your baby’s immune system and supports digestive health.
  • Nucleotides: These are essential building blocks for your baby’s cellular development.

Nutritional Values

Similac 360 Total Care offers balanced nutrition for your baby, including:

  • Protein: The formula provides an optimal protein level to support your baby’s growth and development.
  • Vitamins and minerals: It contains essential vitamins and minerals, such as calcium, potassium, iron, and zinc, to support your baby’s overall health and well-being.
  • Fats and carbohydrates: These nutrients give your baby the energy needed for their growth and development.


The cost of Similac 360 Total Care may vary depending on factors such as the store, package size, and any ongoing promotions. However, considering the quality ingredients and nutritional value it offers, you may find it a worthwhile investment in your baby’s health and development. Keep an eye out for discounts and deals that can make the product more budget-friendly.


Comparison of Enfamil Enspire vs Similac 360 Total Care

When considering baby formulas, it’s essential to look at the unique features of each to determine which one might be the best fit for your child. In this section, we’ll compare Enfamil Enspire and Similac 360 Total Care based on their ingredients, nutritional value, and cost.


Enfamil Enspire and Similac 360 Total Care both contain essential nutrients to support your baby’s growth and development. However, there are some key differences in their ingredient composition:

  • Similac 360 Total Care does not contain palm oil, whereas Enfamil Enspire does have palm oil in its formula.
  • Both formulas have a blend of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. However, the specific types and quantities of these nutrients may vary between the two.

Nutritional Value:

When it comes to nutritional content, both formulas aim to meet the nutritional needs of infants:

  • Enfamil Enspire contains vitamins and minerals such as DHA, ARA, choline, and iron, all essential for brain development and cognitive function.
  • Similac 360 Total Care also contains vital nutrients like DHA, ARA, lutein, and Vitamin E, supporting your baby’s brain and eye development.

It’s important to note that the exact nutrient profile of each formula may vary slightly, so it’s crucial to read the labels and consult with your pediatrician to determine which formula is best for your child’s nutritional needs.


Lastly, let’s compare the cost of these two formulas:

  • Enfamil Enspire tends to be more expensive than Similac 360 Total Care.
  • Price can vary depending on where you purchase the formula and the discounts or promotions that may be available.

Remember that it’s essential to consider the cost alongside each formula’s unique features and nutritional value to make the best choice for your baby.

It’s always recommended to consult with your pediatrician before switching formulas or making any changes to your baby’s diet. They can provide personalized guidance based on your child’s specific needs and circumstances. By considering the ingredients, nutritional value, and cost of both Enfamil Enspire and Similac 360 Total Care, you’ll be better informed to make the right decision for your little one.

Enfamil Enspire vs Similac 360 Total Care

Pros and Cons of Enfamil Enspire

Enfamil Enspire is a popular baby formula that many parents choose for their little ones. It has its own set of pros and cons that you should consider when deciding on the best formula for your baby.


  1. High-quality ingredients: Enfamil Enspire contains a blend of nutrients designed to support your baby’s growth and development. It includes lactoferrin, which is found in colostrum and mother’s milk, and supports your baby’s immune system. It also contains MFGM (Milk Fat Globule Membrane) which is known to support brain development.
  2. Non-GMO: You might appreciate that Enfamil Enspire is a non-GMO formula, which means it is made without genetically modified ingredients. This could be important to you if you prefer to avoid GMOs in your baby’s diet.
  3. Closer to breast milk: Enfamil Enspire is designed to be more like breast milk, containing nutrients found in human milk. This can make it easier for your baby to digest and may provide a more familiar taste for your baby.


  1. Price: One downside to Enfamil Enspire is the cost. It can be more expensive than other formulas on the market, including some other Enfamil varieties. You should weigh the cost against the benefits when deciding if it’s the right option for your baby.
  2. Potential sensitivities: Some babies may have sensitivities or allergies to certain ingredients in Enfamil Enspire. It’s important to closely monitor your baby’s reactions when introducing any new formula. If you notice any adverse reactions, consult with your pediatrician and consider exploring other options for your baby.

By considering the pros and cons of Enfamil Enspire, you’ll be better equipped to make an informed decision about the best formula for your baby. Always consult with your healthcare provider before making any changes to your baby’s diet.

Pros and Cons of Similac 360 Total Care

When deciding on a baby formula for your little one, you might consider Similac 360 Total Care. To make the choice easier for you, let’s go through some of the pros and cons of this formula.


  • One of the major benefits of Similac 360 Total Care is its composition, which includes 5 HMOs. These human milk oligosaccharides are a type of prebiotic blend that was previously only available in breast milk. This blend is designed to support your baby’s immunity, digestive health, and overall well-being.
  • Similac 360 Total Care is made by Abbott Laboratories, a leading infant formula brand in the United States with a strong reputation for quality and research-backed innovations.
  • The formula is available in multiple formats, including powder, concentrate, and ready-to-feed liquid, making it more versatile and convenient to use.


  • While Similac 360 Total Care does have some impressive features, it can be more expensive than other baby formulas on the market. It is essential to consider your budget and whether the potential benefits of this formula outweigh the higher cost.
  • Some babies may have sensitivities or reactions to certain ingredients in the formula. It’s crucial to monitor your baby for any signs of discomfort, digestive problems, or other issues when switching to this formula. If you have concerns, consult your pediatrician for guidance and support.
  • It’s worth noting that Similac’s competitor, Enfamil Enspire, also offers a formula with its own unique features, such as a dual prebiotics proprietary combination that promotes digestive health and immune support. This might make your decision more challenging when comparing the two formulas.

In summary, Similac 360 Total Care has some noteworthy pros, such as the 5 HMOs blend and versatility in formats, but don’t forget to consider factors like cost and potential sensitivities when deciding if this formula is the best choice for your baby.

How to Choose: Enfamil Enspire or Similac 360 Total Care

When choosing between Enfamil Enspire and Similac 360 Total Care for your baby, consider the following factors to make an informed decision:

Ingredients: One of the most important aspects to consider is the ingredient list. Similac 360 Total Care does not contain palm oil, while Enfamil Enspire does. Some studies suggest that palm oil might affect a baby’s calcium and fat absorption. It is essential to review the ingredients and consult with your pediatrician to ensure the nutritional needs of your baby are met.

Price: Enfamil Enspire tends to be more expensive than Similac 360 Total Care. Budget plays a crucial role while making a choice, so assess the costs of the formulas to determine which one fits within your financial plan.

Pediatrician Recommendation: Your pediatrician’s advice plays a significant role in choosing the right formula. They might recommend a specific type of formula depending on your baby’s nutritional needs and health. Consult with them to weigh the pros and cons of each product before making a decision.

Trial and error: Sometimes, it might be challenging to determine which formula is best for your baby without trying them first. Introduce the formulas one at a time and observe how your baby reacts to each. This can include factors like digestion, taste preferences, and any potential allergies.

Format and Availability: Both Enfamil and Similac offer various formats, including ready-to-use liquid, powder, and concentrated liquid. Choose the format that works best for you and your baby, considering factors like convenience, storage, and travel.

Remember, every baby is unique, and their nutritional needs may vary. It’s essential to monitor their growth, health, and overall well-being as you introduce a new formula. Keep the lines of communication open with your pediatrician to ensure your baby receives the best nutrition possible.


When comparing Enfamil Enspire and Similac 360 Total Care for your baby, it’s essential to consider the unique features of each formula. While both are recommended for infants, they do have some differences.

Enfamil Enspire contains palm oil, whereas Similac 360 Total Care does not. This may be a deciding factor for some parents, as palm oil can cause issues for some babies’ digestive systems. On the other hand, Enfamil Enspire tends to be more expensive than Similac 360 Total Care. It’s crucial to think about your budget when choosing the right formula for your little one.

Formulas from different brands might have specific features and ingredients that set them apart from each other. In the end, it’s a personal decision for you and your baby. You know your child’s needs best, so trust your intuition and consult with your pediatrician for guidance.

Remember, a happy and healthy baby is the ultimate goal. By weighing the pros and cons of each formula and considering your baby’s specific needs, you’ll be able to make the best choice for your family. In the end, both Enfamil Enspire and Similac 360 Total Care are excellent options for nourishing your baby and supporting their growth and development.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which is better for my baby, Enfamil Enspire or Similac 360 Total Care?

It depends on your baby’s individual needs and your pediatrician’s recommendations. Both formulas have specific features: Similac 360 Total Care is made with 5 HMOs, a prebiotic blend, and has the highest level of HMOs, while Enfamil Enspire has a dual prebiotics proprietary combination to boost digestive health and the immune system. Consult your pediatrician to determine which formula would be best for your baby.

Is there a difference in nutrition between Enspire and Similac 360?

The nutritional profiles of Enfamil Enspire and Similac 360 Total Care may vary in terms of their prebiotic content and other proprietary ingredients. It’s essential to thoroughly scrutinize the labels and consult your pediatrician to understand any potential differences that could impact your baby’s specific requirements.

Can I mix and switch between Enfamil and Similac products?

Generally, it’s advised to switch completely over to the new formula when making a change. However, your baby’s doctor is in the best position to guide you on whether mixing or switching between Enfamil and Similac products is suitable for your child.

Which formula is easier on the baby’s stomach, Enspire or Similac 360?

The ease of digestion for a baby may vary from one formula to another. While both Enfamil Enspire and Similac 360 Total Care are designed with digestive health in mind, each baby’s tolerance and preferences can differ. Your pediatrician can provide more personalized advice based on your baby’s specific needs and experiences with different formulas.

How does Enspire compare to other Enfamil formulas?

Enfamil Enspire is designed to support digestive health and the immune system using a dual prebiotics proprietary combination. Other Enfamil formulas may have different features and benefits tailored to specific needs, such as spit-up reduction or lactose-free options. Be sure to check the labels and consult your pediatrician for advice on choosing the best formula for your baby’s unique requirements.

What are the main ingredients of Similac 360 Total Care?

Similac 360 Total Care is made with 5 HMOs, a prebiotic blend previously only available in breast milk. It focuses on promoting both digestive health and immune support for your baby. Always read the label for a complete list of ingredients and consult your pediatrician if you have any concerns or questions about the formula.