Similac Total Comfort vs Enfamil Gentlease

Similac Total Comfort vs Enfamil Gentlease 1

Quick Comparison

Feature/AspectSimilac Total ComfortEnfamil Gentlease
Primary DifferenceFormulated with 100% whey protein that is partially hydrolyzedFeatures a blend of partially broken-down proteins derived from 60% whey and 40% casein
Protein Source100% partially hydrolyzed whey protein60% whey and 40% casein proteins
Lactose ContentLow lactose levels to minimize discomfort for lactose-sensitive infantsContains 20% less lactose compared to standard milk-based infant formulas
Key NutrientsEssential nutrients like DHA, ARA, vitamins, and mineralsEssential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals
PrebioticsContains the prebiotic Galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS)Not mentioned in the article
BenefitsGentle on sensitive stomachs, supports growth and development, promotes digestive healthGentle on the stomach, supports growth and development, trusted brand
Potential DrawbacksMight be more expensive, some babies might not prefer its tasteCan be more expensive, might not be suitable for all dietary needs, taste might not be preferred by some babies

Choosing the right baby formula for your little one can be a challenging task, especially when faced with numerous options. Two popular choices among parents are Similac Total Comfort and Enfamil Gentlease.

Both formulas are designed to be gentle on delicate infant digestive systems and provide the necessary nutrients to support their growth and development.

Similac Total Comfort is formulated with 100% whey protein that is partially hydrolyzed, making it easier for babies to digest. This formula aims to reduce fussiness, gas, and discomfort in infants and help promote healthy bowel movements.

Enfamil Gentlease, on the other hand, features a blend of partially broken-down proteins derived from 60% whey and 40% casein. This combination helps create a gentle formula for sensitive tummies.

Key Takeaways

  • Similac Total Comfort and Enfamil Gentlease are both popular formulas designed for sensitive infant stomachs.
  • Similac Total Comfort uses 100% partially hydrolyzed whey protein, whereas Enfamil Gentlease includes a blend of 60% whey and 40% casein proteins.
  • When choosing between these two options, consider factors such as individual reactions, affordability, and personal preferences.

Overview of Similac Total Comfort

Similac Total Comfort is a popular baby formula designed to support the nutritional needs of infants with sensitive stomachs. It is specifically formulated to cater to babies who experience fussiness and gas due to lactose sensitivity.

Key Features

  • Protein Source: Similac Total Comfort is made with 100% whey protein that is partially hydrolyzed, making it easier for babies to digest.
  • Lactose Content: This formula contains low lactose levels to minimize discomfort for lactose-sensitive infants.
  • Nutrients: Similac Total Comfort is enriched with essential nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids like DHA and ARA, which support brain and eye development.
  • Prebiotics: The formula includes the prebiotic Galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS) to promote a healthy gut environment and support the immune system.


  • Gentler on Sensitive Stomachs: The combination of partially hydrolyzed whey protein and low lactose levels provide a gentle alternative for babies who struggle with regular formulas.
  • Supports Growth and Development: The essential nutrients in Similac Total Comfort, such as DHA and ARA, help in promoting overall growth and development in infants.
  • Promotes Digestive Health: The inclusion of prebiotics supports a healthy gut environment and contributes to better immune system functioning.

Potential Drawbacks

  • Cost: Similac Total Comfort may be more expensive than other baby formulas on the market. However, some parents may find it to be worth the investment for the benefits it provides in terms of digestion and comfort.
  • Taste: Some babies might not prefer the taste of Similac Total Comfort compared to other formulas. Parents may need to try different options to find the one that best suits their infant’s preferences.

This friendly third-person overview of Similac Total Comfort provides an insight into the key features, benefits, and potential drawbacks of the formula, without making exaggerated or false claims.

Overview of Enfamil Gentlease

Enfamil Gentlease is a popular and well-established infant formula designed for babies with feeding issues such as fussiness, gas, and mild spit-up. Packed with essential nutrients, this formula offers a solution to parents looking for a gentle and easily digestible option for their babies.

Key Features

  • Partially broken-down proteins: Enfamil Gentlease consists of a blend of proteins derived from 60% whey and 40% casein, which are partially hydrolyzed. This makes it easier for babies with sensitive stomachs to digest the formula.
  • Reduced lactose content: The formula contains 20% less lactose compared to standard milk-based infant formulas, which can be helpful for babies with lactose sensitivities.
  • Nutrient-rich: Enfamil Gentlease is filled with essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals to support healthy growth and development.


  • Gentle on the stomach: The partially broken-down proteins and reduced lactose content make it easier for babies to digest Enfamil Gentlease, reducing the likelihood of gas, fussiness, and spit-up.
  • Supports growth and development: Enfamil Gentlease includes DHA and ARA to support brain and eye development, as well as choline and other essential nutrients to promote overall growth.
  • Trusted brand: Enfamil has been a leading infant formula brand for many years, providing confidence to parents that they are choosing a quality product for their babies.

Potential Drawbacks

  • Cost: Enfamil Gentlease can be more expensive than some other infant formulas on the market.
  • Not suitable for all dietary needs: While Enfamil Gentlease is excellent for babies with mild feeding issues, it may not be the best option for those with more severe allergies or who require specialized formulas.
  • Taste: Some babies may not like the taste of Enfamil Gentlease and may take some time to adjust to it. However, this can be true for many infant formulas, and individual preferences can vary.


Direct Comparison

Nutritional Value

Both Enfamil Gentlease and Similac Total Comfort are designed to provide complete nutrition for infants. They both contain essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and fats found in breast milk. Although their nutritional profiles are similar, some differences exist between the two formulas:

  • Enfamil Gentlease uses a protein blend derived from 60% whey and 40% casein, while Similac Total Comfort contains 100% whey protein that is partially hydrolyzed.
  • Similac Total Comfort comes with additional prebiotics to support gut health.

Ease of Digestion

Enfamil Gentlease and Similac Total Comfort are formulated to promote easy digestion for babies with sensitive stomachs. They both contain partially broken-down proteins, which make them gentler on a baby’s digestive system.

  • Enfamil Gentlease features a protein blend of 60% whey and 40% casein, making it easier to digest than regular formulas.
  • Similac Total Comfort, on the other hand, uses 100% whey protein that is partially hydrolyzed, resulting in an even gentler formula for sensitive tummies.

In both cases, parents have reported improvements in their baby’s digestive issues, such as gas, fussiness, and constipation, after switching to either of these formulas.

Taste and Consistency

Taste and consistency are important factors in infant formulas, as they can influence a baby’s willingness to consume the product. Many parents find both Enfamil Gentlease and Similac Total Comfort palatable for their infants. Some parents have noticed that Similac Total Comfort has a slightly sweeter taste than Enfamil Gentlease, which may appeal to some infants.

When it comes to consistency, both formulas mix easily and have a relatively smooth texture. It is important to follow the preparation instructions to ensure the correct consistency and to avoid issues like clumping or thinning.

Potential Issues

As with any baby formula, some cons may affect individual babies:

  • Some babies might not like the taste, texture, or smell of either Enfamil Gentlease or Similac Total Comfort.
  • Certain infants may experience an allergic reaction to ingredients or additives in either formula.
  • Although many parents report improvements in digestive issues after switching to either formula, it is crucial to monitor your baby’s reactions and discuss any concerns with their pediatrician.
Similac Total Comfort vs Enfamil Gentlease

User Experiences

Many parents have tried both Similac Total Comfort and Enfamil Gentlease for their babies and shared their experiences. Some parents mentioned that their babies found Similac Total Comfort to have a good taste, leading to healthier bowel movements and less constipation. This formula also contains essential nutrients found in breast milk and can help resolve digestive issues such as vomiting. Additionally, it is a suitable choice for babies who may have allergies to some additives in other formulas.

On the other hand, some parents preferred Enfamil Gentlease due to its partially hydrolyzed proteins, which can be easier for babies to digest. They reported that this formula has helped reduce spit-up and ease crying and fussiness in their little ones. Impressively, the positive effects of Gentlease can sometimes be seen in as little as 24 hours. The formula also contains choline and DHA, important nutrients that support healthy brain development.

When considering these user experiences, it’s important to remember that every baby is unique and may react differently to each formula. While some babies may find relief and comfort with Similac Total Comfort, others may thrive on Enfamil Gentlease. It is important for parents to monitor their baby’s reactions and consult with their pediatricians for personalized recommendations.

To help readers better understand the experiences, here are some notable points to consider:

  • Similac Total Comfort:
    • Good taste
    • Healthy bowel movements and less constipation
    • Contains essential nutrients found in breast milk
    • Can resolve vomiting and other digestive issues
    • Suitable for babies with allergies to some formula additives
  • Enfamil Gentlease:
    • Easy-to-digest partially hydrolyzed proteins
    • Can reduce spit-up and fussiness
    • Quick results, sometimes seen within 24 hours
    • Contains choline and DHA for healthy brain development

In the end, it’s crucial for parents to pay attention to their baby’s needs and reactions when making a choice between Similac Total Comfort and Enfamil Gentlease. With the help of experienced parents’ insights and pediatricians’ guidance, finding the best formula for each baby is entirely possible.

Medical Expert Opinions

When it comes to choosing between Enfamil Gentlease and Similac Total Comfort, medical expert opinions may vary as each baby has different nutritional needs. However, there are some key differences between these two formulas that can help guide parents and pediatricians in their decision-making process.

One of the main differences between the two formulas is the protein source. Enfamil Gentlease contains a blend of partially broken-down proteins derived from 60% whey and 40% casein, while Similac Total Comfort uses 100% whey protein that is partially hydrolyzed. Whey protein is considered to be easier for a baby’s digestive system than casein, which might make Similac Total Comfort a better choice for babies with sensitive stomachs.

In terms of nutrients, both formulas are designed to provide essential vitamins, minerals, and other ingredients as required for an infant’s proper growth and development. It’s important to note that while the specific amounts and types of nutrients may slightly differ, both Enfamil Gentlease and Similac Total Comfort are regulated and meet industry standards for infant nutrition.

As for sugar and magnesium content, there might be slight variations in the amounts present in each formula. It is always a good idea to check the labels of each product to ensure they align with your baby’s dietary requirements.

Regarding cost, the pricing of these formulas can vary depending on the specific product and retailer. It’s always worthwhile to compare prices and consider any available discounts or promotions before making a purchase.

Ultimately, while there are some differences between Enfamil Gentlease and Similac Total Comfort, the best choice for your baby will depend on their individual needs, preferences, and how they respond to each formula. Keeping an open dialogue with your pediatrician and monitoring how your baby reacts to each formula can help guide your decision and ensure your little one receives the optimal nutrition they need to thrive.


When comparing Similac Total Comfort and Enfamil Gentlease, both formulas offer benefits for babies with digestive issues or fussiness. Similac Total Comfort has a good taste, promotes healthy bowel movements, and aims to reduce constipation. It also contains essential nutrients found in breast milk and may help alleviate vomiting and digestive problems.

On the other hand, Enfamil Gentlease features partially hydrolyzed proteins, making it easier for babies to digest. This formula can reduce spit-up and ease crying and fussiness in babies. It works quickly, with results potentially seen in just 24 hours. Moreover, Enfamil Gentlease includes choline and DHA, which support healthy brain development.

It’s important to keep in mind that Similac Total Comfort may not be suitable for infants with a confirmed cow’s milk protein allergy or galactosemia, as it contains partially hydrolyzed whey protein derived from cow’s milk.

Ultimately, parents should consult with their pediatrician when choosing a formula for their baby. A healthcare professional can provide guidance based on the individual needs and sensitivities of the infant, ensuring the best choice for their well-being and growth.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the main differences between Similac Total Comfort and Enfamil Gentlease?

Similac Total Comfort and Enfamil Gentlease are both formulated to help reduce gas and fussiness in babies. The main difference is in the protein sources used in each formula. Similac Total Comfort contains 100% whey protein that is partially hydrolyzed, while Enfamil Gentlease consists of a blend of partially broken-down proteins derived from 60% whey and 40% casein.

Which formula is better for newborns: Similac Total Comfort or Enfamil Gentlease?

It’s important to consult with your pediatrician before choosing a formula for your newborn. Both Similac Total Comfort and Enfamil Gentlease are designed for babies experiencing gas and fussiness, but individual babies may have different needs and react differently to each formula.

How do Enfamil NeuroPro Gentlease and Similac Total Comfort compare?

Enfamil NeuroPro Gentlease is a variation of Enfamil Gentlease that includes additional brain-nourishing nutrients. Both Enfamil NeuroPro Gentlease and Similac Total Comfort aim to reduce gas and fussiness in babies. The main difference between the two is their protein source composition, with Enfamil using a 60% whey and 40% casein blend and Similac using 100% whey protein.

Can I switch my baby between Enfamil Gentlease and Similac Total Comfort?

It’s generally best to stick with one formula unless your pediatrician recommends trying a different one. Switching between formulas frequently can cause digestive issues in some babies. If you’re considering switching, consult with your pediatrician for guidance on how to make the transition smoothly and safely.

Which formula is more effective at reducing gas and fussiness?

Both Similac Total Comfort and Enfamil Gentlease claim to reduce gas and fussiness, but each baby’s response may vary. Some babies may find relief from one formula while others might prefer the other. It’s important to monitor your baby’s symptoms and consult your pediatrician if any concerns arise.

What are the main ingredients in both Similac Total Comfort and Enfamil Gentlease?

Similac Total Comfort and Enfamil Gentlease both contain ingredients to provide essential nutrients for a baby’s growth and development. The primary carbohydrates in both formulas are corn syrup solids and maltodextrin. The main protein source in Similac Total Comfort is 100% whey protein, while Enfamil Gentlease uses a blend of 60% whey and 40% casein proteins. Both formulas also contain vegetable oils and a range of vitamins and minerals tailored to meet a baby’s nutritional needs.